The beautiful glass art by artist Eric Lee is simple and soothing yet has an energy that is extremely intriguing. I find that these words best capture the qualities that his works contain:
Emotion Layers
Reflection Expressive
Inherent beauty Evolving
Color pallet

Reflection: Eric's work is reflective, both the physical material and the way it allows the viewer a moment get lost in an image. In today's society we are so busy hustling from one place to the next. It is seldom that we take the time for personal reflection. For me exploring Eric's work is a quiet and personal experience. Even if just for a minute, it allows time to simply look without the pressure of having to find an answer.
Inherent Beauty: The organic shapes and forms often juxtaposed by geometric shapes and/or linear brush work make for a beautiful combination. Eric has an excellent sense of space and is able create compositions that are powerfully beautiful.

Layers: One quality you will never attribute to Eric Lee's work is flatness. Every piece has layers of paint that work together to create a multidimensional experience. Energy comes through the layering of paint and the way each layer interacts.

Evolving: Eric's work is always evolving and changing. No two pieces are the same. Turning art into furniture, developing new techniques, experimenting with color combinations, Eric is constantly looking to further the experience his art offers it's viewers.

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