His art is displayed all over the world, his name is well known both in and out of the Art Community, his documentary nominated for an Oscar, yet his true identity remains a mystery. Who is Banksy?
Main Street Park City UT
Is he a brilliant artist that forces us to confront the issues that plague our community or a simple minded vandal with complete disregard for others property? Many opinions have been formed on both sides of this argument. Some pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to own an original Banksy while others don't hesitate to slap a layer of fresh paint over his work to conceal what they consider vandalism.
Salt Lake City UT
His work addresses an array of social and political themes stretching from Anti-war messages to comments on Human conditions. His work is often blunt and simple, yet it leaves a lasting impression. He points out issues we all are aware of but offer little to none of our attention to on a day to day basis. Is his approach to simple or simply perfect? I for one admire the simplistic nature of his work and find the imagery intriguing. Others disagree, satirist Charlie Booker wrote of Banksey ".. his work is dazzling clever to idiots."in his column for The Guardian. What do you think about his subject matter? Does his imagery trigger emotions or leave you unamused?
As for his identity I find it both odd and annoying that he keeps it such a mystery. However I must give him credit, not knowing who he really is or what he looks like keeps me intrigued. Is the mystery all part of a facade? I often find myself imagining a Banksy as an ostentatious prick with an ego the size of Texas. But why? It is not as if he is using his face to gain fame. Could he be a normal guy? What characteristics do you attribute to Banksy?
Main Street Park City UT
Wether you feel that Banksy is an over-rated vandal or an artistic genius, we can all agree that it is exciting to have such a talked about artist choose Park City as a spot for multiple works. While we may never know the intentions or true identity of Banksy, it is clear that he has a tremendous impact on the art world and I believe it is great to have his work on our streets. So as you walk the streets of Park City keep an eye out for the ever mysterious works of Banksy.
-Megan A. Hansen