With our Nation's Birthday coming up this week we think it is the perfect time to reflect on some of America's most well know artist. The list is endless when it comes to talented American Artists. We have selected a few we feel were the most influential. Though these artists are no longer among us, the imagery they created and impact they made will be passed on from generation to generation.
American Artists:
Move over Michael Jackson, As far as we are concerned Andy is the "King of Pop"!
Andy Warhol:
This renowned and sometimes controversial artist was arguably the most important leader in the Pop Art movement. His art created an interesting dialogue that both embraced and exploited Pop Culture. His mass production of popular imagery, eccentric lifestyle, flamboyant nature and seemingly anticlimactic death are among the things that make Andy Warhol an American artist we will never forget.
Opening the art world for American women.
Georgia O'Keeffe:
Decades before American when women were taken seriously in the art world Georgia O'Keeffe became a self-made Icon. She was able to distinguish herself as one Americas most influential modern artist despite the fact she was a woman. Her unique perspective and subject matter helped her maintain this position through her 98 years of life. She paved the way for females in an American art community that was so heavily dominated by males. Her beautiful works and admirable courage that allowed her to take the art world by storm are what make her a remarkable artist we will always remember.
Showing life as it existed.
Edward Hopper:
This American artist focused on the quiet moments in life. He took the normal everyday feeling and put it on canvas. At a time when the idea of "The American Dream" was all consuming Hopper showed people and places as they really existed. His work was not optimistic, it was just real. He exposed the deep loneliness of urban living with a subtle beauty. There is a sense of anticipation for what is to come. He captured the moments that mirror our own experiences to this day. He will always be an artist others look to for inspiration.
Motherly Instincts
Mary Cassatt:
Though most of her life was spent in Europe this American born artist is know for her tender paintings and ability to make it in a man's world. Mary Cassatt was never a mother but her beautiful portraits of both women and children captivated us in a way that no man had before. She had a delicate yet demanding style that the world was craving. A woman well before her time, she played a very important role in the impressionist movement.
There are so many American Artist that have had a great impact on the art world and on our lives. We are so very blessed to live in a country that encourages the creative mind to flourish and see the love and beauty within us. We wish you all a great 4th! Have a Wonderful Holiday Week!